Thursday, June 10, 2010

Researching for Dummies (Sagar) How i Learned to Research Properly...

I was able to fully understand what it takes to really research on a topic these past few weeks. At first i believed that a simple paragraph of what your describing about the topic, was all that was needed. However researching has proved to me that every single piece of information would go a long way. whether it's writing down the journalist's name, to when and where it was published also, depending on the length of some pieces, i came to realize what is considered a legitimate source. Some sources that i came across made me want to change my topic completely. There was information given in great depth of the topic, which didn't allow me to stray off the research. When i started on my topic, i was expecting to get a couple sentences from sources that would help me get a better understanding. After properly analyzing different pieces of work, the theme alone began to change for me. It was no longer just trying to understand the food pyramid, but rather how it has taken a big step into many controversial directions. From politics, to whats being served in cafeteria's, there were many situations that the food pyramid was involved in, more than just its own guidelines. After getting through 101, I am grateful to say i have a more educated idea of how to research well and how i can apply these new traits in the future.

i would like to personally thank my classmates for making this semester a memorable one. Met a lot of people that were certainly figures to look at when it came to the topic of thriving for the best in college. i also thank Professor McCormick for being a down to earth instructor who taught well on what should be focused on, not just in school but in life

I Thank You.
Sagar Sharma

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