Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Trip To Smithfield...

To Whom It May Concern,

Good eating has always been required for all of our citizens.Regardless of financial status , one thinks twice about what will be the meal at hand.My name is Sagar Sharma, and i personally believe that conventional foods are becoming the downfall of society.The public is not clearly recognizing what they are consuming on a regular basis.Even worse,the effects that it has on its employees has rendered them vulnerable to not speak up to their rightful corporations.I believe it is time that we run through some of the elements that need to be changed in this industry.
The average American consumes about 200 lbs of solid meat per year.As of the past few decades,the term meat can be used pretty loose.We are all aware of what goes on behind closed doors when it comes to farming.However,about a third of the nation isn't aware about how their meat products or all food for that matter,is processed.Their have been many issues regarding the cattle brands and products.Instances such as unproper cleaning methods after the slaughter of the cattle.Fecal wastes and other deadly hygenics have been discovered by many of the Smithfield employees.In todays superstores products such as Butterball ,Valleydale ,and Gwaltney are found on shelves more often then you may try to find something organic.
The current minimum wage is about $7.25 at the hour.I had a chance to interview a few workers , and they had much to reveal about the work environments and its hostility.These workers are paying way too much for what they earn in return.An anonymous employee had stated an incident in which a pack of rabid impatient chicken flock had almost ravaged an employee on duty when he/she was assembling them on the convouyer belt for deployment.Another employee had revealed to us that in twelve years of working for your corporation ,sick ,uneasy ,sometimes even dead Pigs being shipped into the slaughterhouses.Nothing had been done of the issue for almost a decade ,and the proess still continues to till this day he states.
With all the matters at hand ,it is without question that we try to find some alternatives in which the industry can change from its sickening methods ,sorry for being so blunt.I personally believe it is long overdue for a change to occur in processing meats.There have been recording of a few deaths in the nation.However Corporate lobbyists cannot keep there mouths shut forever.This must be stopped at the core of the situation , mainly aiming towards Smithfield Co. slaughterhouses along with many other.To breed chickens that develop within 40 days and then hasted to be shipped or even taking in dead pigs or any other deceased animal ,should be stopped immidietly.Knowing that consumers will purchase 1 out of 4 of your products there should be a sudden act to help avoid any discrepincies in your merchandise.To furnace good tastey food isnt the only thing to the trick ,healthier and more clean and fresh meats must be issued immidietly.I personally believe ,feeding and breeding the animals properly would lead to success and even a better reputation.
In closing statements ,i would like to adress the positive effect your corporation can ensure if you do intend to take a new route.good wholesome food is definitely needed in our economy.The consumer will only appreciate the food that tastes good and that is a healthier choice at the end of the day.Let us deliever proper ingredients and add them to our mainstream line of conventional is also if not the utmost importance ,to ensure the safety of Smithfield Co.s and The entire nations laborers in slaughterhouses and factories everywhere.Help them have a drive to appreciate what they do rather then making them fear of what could happen.Good things will happen if you decide to take an initiative.
I Thank You
Sagar Sharma

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Truth About Poultry (Food Inc.)

In many cases , people cease to realize what they consume on a daily basis. It is a fact , that a third of the U.S. eats meat on a regular basis , whether its fast food , or just prepared at home. Chicken , being the most popular of all meats , is known more of its taste then it is for its species one would say. There has come a time where , poultry is known more of being a product of food , then it is a bird. Personally , i feel disgusted at how the food industry has portrayed many of the animals slaughtered on a daily basis , other then just chicken. Propaganda of healthy nutricious food with pictures of farms and cattle has deemed us to believe that everything we consume is made properly. Lies shroud and hover over the details that have been kept from us. It is time to reflect , and understand what exactly goes on behind the curtains that is the food industry. In the film "Food Inc." there was a clip in which they interviewed a women who owned her own farm in harvesting chickens. "We used to keep them in open coups , to let air circulate and let them stay healthy as well" said the women. But not before long , the corp. in which she had a contract with had issued her , closed circuit chicken coups. Not a spec of light could exit the coup , and god knows how the chicken would manage to live under such circumstances. If you guessed that it would be a mayhem , then you have guessed right. When the women would enter the coup to check on the chickens , some of the sights she would see would be of chickens who could not walk , were steril , and many of which were already dead. hygene is definitely an all time low when it comes to the coups. once the door shuts , theres no reason to clean up after the about 4 a.m. many factory sent courriers would arrive to pick up their products , which were these unstable chickens which would soon become the cornerstone of food products. Whether its fast food chains or supermarkets selling brands such as "Tyson"&"Perdue" , the majority of chickens that are consumed on a daily basis are of these poor sick birds. the "Tyson" chicken brand allows a minimum time limit of 48 days for the chicken to be deployed to factories. About 10,000 chickens per month are kept under this treatment. Indeed , should this cycle continue , Poultry as we know it will surely only be that of a food product , then a living species.